Tuesday 8 June 2021

Bullshit off-grid and mindfulness and wellbeing and all that

 Now  this is the part of my writing empire of dust that I shall enjoy.

This has life, only.

It may sound a pretty sour kind of title. It is aimed only at 'good'. 

You shall see. Each word is written with only a smile - the real not painted on variety, and the centeredness and peace in the scribblers heart, gut. aura,   blob of 'conscious agent'  to quote The Hoff - i like him, is real. It can be tested in person any time except after 8.30pm when i always nod off to a splendid 7 or 8 hrs shut eye. Undisturbed. And any issue in life  - those which most would see as red rag, or somehow reduction in 'respect', i walk away from every one. Zen if you must. Which does come from a pretty thoughtful many year understanding of the soul via GOOD literature and some great science (tip unless the scientist like Donald Hoffman, and   Smolin of late constantly   reminds everyone they may be completely wrong, it is not good science).

One small lie thus far. The only one that there will be. Whist i do not really like the blog form though it is nothing really new Montaigne was at it centuries back, I do like just practicing writing on online platforms others may stumble across, in other words in 'public'. 

  Though i never ever push anything i write out to anyone except a few specifically chosen people i may occasionally email. People i just somehow think of as maybe worth 'inviting'. The 'gutsy' maybe. I don't do that often. Likely this is the last little phase of that ever. I mean ever in my life.

So yes the lie. As of May 2020 i discovered so many wonderful new silver linings - real ones, not made up for some facebook 'meme' that just makes you iller and weirder all that facebook,  Despite a big wound that festers now and again - figuratively speaking all was not just 'well' all was at last true sublime paradise. Rest, Others maybe dismounting their high horses, others maybe time to talk at last. 

I let go... that's a mindfulness term i guess but needs explaining later. I started to do many things i knew were pure and ideal - make new friends even if deep down it was likely they would retreat back behind their masks and their smiles would again be painted on to that many year old mask.

SO yes despite living in a very isolated place, and most of my occasional 'people' going right bloody weird ranty and more racist than ever talking about dark people getting bugs more when it not only is not true but there are no dark people for miles, i made at least half a dozen significant new friends, hung out with half a dozen wonderful kids and mums (sexist pigs) and did various wonderful new things. One 'illicit' still ongoing indeed it worked its a bloody miracle! all before last Christmas indeed most before last autumn. Plus tons of total time wasting emergency 'social work'. Time wasting as none of the range of people long thought just about sane and thoughtful and may actually DO something to assist a few being rescued from bad drink or drug nightmares...nope.... you cannot handle such tragically damaged people alone. Too much bad energy.

All bully for me, so yes, come the autumn i was so often thinking "this is such joyful absurd turn up for the books i have to write something.... i adore almost every moment... " so have. But it has to be very secret because it gives all the truth. Nothing naughty and nothing in the lightest bit 'bad' but people dont like the truth. Anyway it is very good even if it is only in poetically playing with words drifting around stage.  It will never be traceable to me unless some woman comes and breaks that 'mindfulness' rule known about all of life - even my dumb parents and their mates knew it "nothing good ever comes from rifling through someone else's private papers..."  which we must update to of course links identities etc..

Indeed having such many century understood matters of the soul well and truly aired is good old fashioned 'mindfulness' the new lot are far too high and mighty to bother figuring may also be good